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Whats is CSC

 شرح المدرب : عبدالله المترب

CSC is

 stands for country-specific code, and in the Android community, it is paired with Samsung Galaxy devices.

Samsung creates different software for different countries, so in order to upload the software ourselves, we need to know what our firmware is. This can sometimes go beyond designating a code for a specific country, though. For example, the US sounds like an obvious CSC region code for Samsung smartphones sold in the US? In fact, the company can sometimes break down these larger markets into cellular carrier-specific firmware images. And in fact, major devices sold in the United States carry the CSC Verizon Wireless (VZW), T-Mobile (TMB), and AT&T (ATT) region code (among others). The same is true in Europe, apart from the country's CSC, there are also local CSCs of mobile operators. All phones of a given model have the same model number but have different CSC region codes because Samsung makes special firmware for mobile operators (in some countries). Most important all OTA update use CSC region code to check if your Samsung device is approved for a new software update with a new Android or 
security patch.

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وتوجد عده طرق لتغيير CSC  للحمايات العاليه لانظمه  الاندرويد 10-11-12 

وهيا طرق مدفوعه بكريديت  لكن ببرنامج جينرال انلوكر مجاني 

فقط يكون في حسابك 10 كريديت وحول ياعم 

رابط التحميل 

برنامج جينرال انلوكر
